Monday, February 23, 2009

DCWORX.COM is up and running

Hubby-person/partner has been slaving away at getting the web site up for our Hand Print Banners project. It ain't quite art yet, still a little rough around the edges, but it's UP!!!

Hand Print Banners is something we've been doing for most of the new century. (Now, that's fun to say!) It's a bit of a small voice crying in the wilderness, but that's how great ideas usually start, and I think this is a great one. And it's all HIS idea, I'm just the charge artist on it. He is the most creative idea machine I've ever known. But he can't draw for beans! Which is just as well, otherwise what would he need me for?

Please visit and click on the Project button below the D of DCWORX to go to the Hand Print Banner section. Let me know what you think. Does it make sense? Do you see what we're trying to do? We will be adding more and fine-tuning - got a misnamed graphic missing and a stray thingie in the middle of the PUBLIC ART EVENTS section. Got a ton of pictures, but we have to be careful to avoid anyone being recognizable, especially kids.

Then, it's on to the other pages, like his RiverGlass and the ePub pages. Why have I only got three hands? I could get so much more done.

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